It is illegal for home renovation contractors to operate without being registered. Bergeron Renovations & Remodeling is registered with MA and CT. HIC (MA) #103718 HIC (CT) #0603077
You can check MA contractor registrations at:
The warranty on your project is only valid if the contractor is still in business. 30% of contractors close in the first 2 years. Bergeron Renovations & Remodeling has been in business since 1976
Did you know that a business that doesn't have a rating or has a lower ratings does not have to maintain the higher customer service requirements of the Better Business Bureau? Bergeron Renovations and Remodeling is A+ Rated and Accredited with the Better Business Bureau and have 0 complaints.
If a worker is hurt on your property, then you will be responsible for all his medical bills unless the contractor has proper workers compensation insurance. Bergeron Renovations and Remodeling has workman's compensation insurance.
If there is an accident that causes property damage to you or your neighbor's house, you will be responsible for it unless your contractor has proper liability coverage. Bergeron Renovations & Remodeling has $2 million in liability insurance.
Many unscrupulous contractors show certificates on policies where they have not paid the premiums. You must call the agent to verify! We will supply you proof of our insurance if requested.
Don't find out later that the contractor hired uninsured or under insured sub-contractors to perform work! All our work is performed by our employees.
The state requires that all contractors doing work over $1000 provide a written agreement that follows a specified format. Failure to follow this will result in the contractors license being revoked. Bergeron Renovations and Remodeling provides a written contract for all work we perform.
If the work is started without a proper permit you will be liable for fines and for the job being stopped by the town. If you obtain the permit personally, you will not have access to the state guaranty fund. Bergeron Renovations and Remodeling obtains all building permits.
It is illegal for a contractor in Massachusetts to require a down payment exceeding 1/3 of the project unless there are special order materials.
There is nothing more aggravating than sitting at home all day waiting for a contractor that never shows up.
A hard to reach contractor is a sign of an irresponsible contractor.
A good contractor finishes work on schedule.
Don't end up with a list of issues the contractor won't deal with.
Good contractors establish a honest budget with a plan for some problems, and communicate any deviations quickly and clearly.
Good contractors have satisfied customers.
Steven Z., MA
Paul, MA
Jim and Pat G., MA